Community Updates for Colts Run Neighborhood in Marlton, NJ

Community Updates for Colts Run Neighborhood in Marlton, NJ

Below are few community updates for the Colts Run neighborhood in Marlton. Item #1 is provided by one of our homeowners, Kelly B., who lives on Colts Gait Road. We hope that everyone had a great school year!

Colts Run Neighborhood Community Updates

1) Save the date! Come to the Colts Run Playground on June 24th at 1:30pm to celebrate the start of summer! We’ll cool off with the Kona Ice truck and a giant neighborhood water fight! Bring water guns, water balloons, etc. and coolers of water for refills. Don’t forget to dress to get wet! See you there!

(*) Please note we will need help cleaning up water balloons and other trash afterwards to keep our park looking good!

2) We will have our “Family Movie Night” on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at the Playground.  More details in early September.

3) If there are enough participants/homeowners, the annual “Community Yard Sale” in 2023 can be held on Saturday, May 20, 2023. In order to make it worthwhile for everyone involved, especially for the shoppers, we will need at least 12 to 16 homes participating in this event.

4) If any teenagers need service hours as part of their school or various club or community group obligations, etc. please send us an email as we have various tasks that can be performed towards your club requirements. We can provide official letter to your club for the service hours worked. Some of these chores may include playground and common grounds clean up, weeds cleaning at playset areas, etc.

5) Please make every effort to pay your dues on time. As you know, and may appreciate in this high inflation environment where every item, every service and every contractor costs much more now, and our stable Colts Run HOA fee payments need to be timely. The fees are due on February 1 ($170) and August 1 ($170). If you are paying the full amount of $340, please pay before February 1 for that year.

For example: For 2022 CR HOA dues, one would pay $170 before February 1, 2022, and $170 before August 1, 2022. Or, one can pay $340 before February 1, 2022 and that would be all for year 2022.

6)  As you all know, we have been dealing with spotted lanternflies (SLF) in our yards in the last couple years. When they mature as nymphs and eventually become adult SLFs, they will be on places like AC compressors, basement walls, etc. Please do your part and destroy them as you see them. This writer has personally destroyed about 1,000 of them last year. Maybe and hopefully we will not see them this year.

At any rate, as part of their Stomp It Out! campaign, the Department of Agriculture is also asking NJ residents to do their part by killing these SLFs on sight.

7) Finally, we will look into organizing our Annual Halloween (Fall) Party on last Sunday in October. More info coming.

If you are interested in more community updates for the Colts Run neighborhood in Marlton, be sure to sign on for our mailing list!

Colts Run HOA Board

Interested in finding homes in Colts Run or elsewhere in beautiful Marlton, NJ? Contact Gina Ziegler today to get started finding your dream home in the area!