Average Home Sales Price in Marlton, NJ

Average Home Sales Price in Marlton, NJ

If you’re looking for the average home sales price in Marlton, NJ, while there is a number, you should know that it depends on several factors. As realtors in the Marlton area, we’ll be happy to tell you more.

First, the actual number: the average home sale price in Marlton, NJ, according to Zillow as of March 2023, is $391,931. This reflects a significant increase over that number from a year ago…as much as 7.3%. Marlton, like much of South Jersey, is experiencing significant growth in home value, and it’s a good time to sell a Marlton home.

It’s important to understand, however, that the sales price of a home can vary based on several factors…the age of the home, its location, its size, the condition of the home, and any extra features such as a pool or a fence. Market conditions also come into play. While as of April 2023, the average number of days to “pending” was nine, you should still ensure that your home is priced to the market and is desirable to buyers.

Call Us For Your Home Sales Price in Marlton, NJ!

Gina Ziegler and Brian Menchel have been assisting Marlton buyers, sellers, and investors for many years, and they have over 50 years of combined experience between them. They are well familiar with the Marlton area, and can market your home based on price and condition as well as your strengths as far as schools, local traffic patterns and more.

While the average home sales price in Marlton is rising, and that’s good news for homeowners in the area, it’s important to call on experienced and knowledgeable Realtors to get your home sold quickly and for the best price. Let Gina and Brian help you get your Marlton home sold…reach out to us today!

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