Average Home Prices in Marlton, NJ

Average Home Prices in Marlton, NJ

What are average home prices in Marlton, NJ? As Realtors in the region, we get asked this question fairly often. There is an average price number, but there are a number of factors involved.

As of March of 2023, according to Realtor.com, the median listing of a home price in Marlton is $365,000, with the median selling price being $389,900. This makes the average price by size approximately $199 per square foot.

The home value is up from Zillow’s estimate in September 2021 of $337,000. With average home prices in Marlton rising significantly, homeowners in Marlton are enjoying a seller’s market.

There are, however, a number of other factors that affect a home’s value. These factors include the age and the size of the home, its condition, and the location of the property. You should be aware that a variety of other factors can also change a home’s value over time, such as market conditions, interest rates and economic trends.

If you’re planning a move to South Jersey and are interested in finding a home in our beautiful Marlton community, reach out to a professional Realtor who knows the area and can find you the right home at the right price, and get the latest on Marlton home prices.

Find Out More About Home Prices in Marlton!

Gina Ziegler and Brian Menchel of the Keller Williams Realty Group have been helping buyers and sellers throughout Marlton for many years…they over 50 years of combined real estate experience in the region, and they live in and love South Jersey. Reach out to us today to get started, and let’s get to work finding your dream home at a dream price for your move to Marlton and South Jersey!

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