2023 Trends in Real Estate

2023 Trends in Real Estate

Here are a few of the 2023 Trends in Real Estate that we’ve been noticing in the current market:

More space: With so many people working remotely and continuing to do so in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are seeking out homes with more space and amenities that enable working from home and making the process easier.

Suburban migration: similarly, with so many people no longer reporting to the office, there is more of an emphasis on finding a home in the suburbs, where there is more space, the cost of living is cheaper, and the quality of life is generally better.

Home improvement options: people spending time at home are looking to make renovations and invest in home improvement, including upgrading kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor spaces.

Smarter homes: More and more people in recent years have been adding smart technology to their homes, including smart thermostats, improved security systems, and home automation.

Sustainability: there is more of an emphasis in recent years on energy efficiency and environmentally friendly homes, with amenities such as solar panels, rainwater collection systems, and green spaces.

Accessibility: people tend to live longer and want to avoid care centers, so there is growing demand for homes with accessible features, such as chair lifts and walk-in bathtubs.

Are You Looking at The Latest 2023 Trends in Real Estate & Want To Buy A Home?

If you’re interested in finding out more about the 2023 trends in real estate, and are interested in a home in one of the top towns in South Jersey, reach out to Gina and Brian today! We’ll be happy to help you find your dream home in the area, and get the best overall long term value. Get started today, and be sure to check our Facebook page for the latest real estate updates!